
Kaguya Otsutsuki
Mother of all Chakra
Writer: #Tigress
Writer Age: 30
MDNI - Triggers are: Blood, Gore, trauma, violence
NON-LEWD Portrayal

Unique Trait: Chakra Absorption

History the as Progenitor

A millennium ago, Kaguya and Isshiki were both sent to cultivate a God Tree on the planet Earth and harvest its Chakra Fruit, with which she was to provide for the main family of her clan from another world.The Ōtsutsuki Clan, often described as Celestial beings or 'aliens' was a parasitic species that has spent thousands of years carrying out the Ōtsutsuki Will which dictates that clan members must consume the life energy and genetic material of other worlds in order to continuously evolve, with the ultimate goal of attaining godhood. This is done with the aid of the God Tree.Kaguya was a low-ranking member of the clan; but was many times called 'hime' or 'Princess. This could mean she was the daughter of the leader to the lower branch of the clan. She was chosen as a sacrifice to the Ten-Tails, which would nurture the development of the God Tree and produce a Chakra fruit. Instead, Kaguya betrayed Isshiki, attacking him and leaving him for dead having bisected him and presumably fed his lower half to the God Tree.Kaguya would then be found by the people of the Land of Ancestors and was brought before their Emperor, Lord Tenji. To live among humans, Kaguya used an unknown ability to knock out and wipe the memories of the guardsmen and then Tenji.

She would later be recognized as the Emperor's Concubine but the pair would ultimately fall in love as they shared a similar wish of peaceful existence. Upon this, Kaguya would become established as Tenji's Consort or essentially his 'wife' without true marriage. Living among humans, she slowly developed an attachment for the planet she meant to destroy and would also grow much closer with the emperor, until she eventually fell pregnant.Around the time she seemingly had conceived, the Land of That began to threaten the Land of Ancestors over a border dispute involving a lake. Tenji wanting to keep peace like Kaguya, declared any who raised a sword to the Land of That would be executed; a demand most of the citizens were clearly against.Soon after when Land of That's Minister, Suzaku attempted to kidnap Kaguya; having a growing lustful infatuation, she was forced to defend herself displaying dangerous power by slaughtering several Land of That Soldiers when they attempted to touch her. She then fled with her assistant Aino towards the God Tree declaring her fate was at its base.Tenji, having been told and ultimately discovering the blood bath left by Kaguya, would then pursue her and Aino in an attempt to maintain peace. Kaguya and Aino only discovering the pursuit when she was forced to detour a volley of arrows that had the symbol of the Land of Ancestors upon the feathering.The pair would continue their journey towards the God Tree until another volley of arrows was launched at them. Kaguya attempted to block them as she had before but her strength was faded to which Aino realized that Kaguya was pregnant with Tenji's child or children. Aino, desperate to keep Kaguya safe, rushed back towards Tenji and the Land of Ancestors army trying to yell out that Kaguya was with child. Traumatically, Kaguya was left helpless as she watched presumably her only true friend be struck by several arrows, dying in her attempt to save the princess.Losing all faith in humanity but still longing for peace, Kaguya, despite her clan waiting to harvest that world of its God Tree, defied the taboo surrounding the fruit and ate it. In doing so, she awakened the Rinne Sharingan and became the sole person on the planet endowed with chakra. With the awakened Rinne Sharingan, she would cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi trapping all humans within it, including her once lover.
As Tenji was being wrapped by the tree, he asked Kaguya what she was unaware she was currently carrying his children...

As Mother and Leader

After Kaguya gained such power, she would restore some humans and erase their memories while also stopping any conflicts single handedly. She would soon give birth to twin sons, Hagoromo and Hamura which were the first humans (despite being hybrids) to be born with Chakra. It was claimed that she was upset over her children being born with chakra but no true evidence was ever found to back up this claim as Kaguya would remark that she willingly gave her children some of her Chakra. Over the years she would be a caring and loving mother raising and protecting her sons. It's believed it was this devotion to protecting her sons that drove her to later commit such horrendous acts.Over time, Kaguya slowly became more fearful and paranoid as she watched the sky every day watching for any sign that her clansmen were coming to take her chakra, harm or kill her and her sons and destroy the planet she became attached to. This fear led the now declared 'Rabbit Goddess' to slowly select and turn various humans into an army of White Zetsu creatures. Hagoromo and Hamura would soon discover this secret in which she kept from them both when the eldest son, Hagoromo declared he wanted to see what was it about the Tree. This directly disobeyed his mother's strictest law but would lead him to discover a young woman he had feelings for was dead among hundreds if not thousands of others.
Hagoromo would confront his mother about his which she told him a bit about the clan she hailed from not knowing what love is and expressing she'd lost faith in humanity. Her son trying to reason with her but it fell upon deaf corrupted ears as she used her youngest son as a puppet to attack his brother. Hagoromo would have to kill and revive his brother before the pair would be forced to fight their own mother. This very battle raged on for months; nearly a year of constant fighting which reshaped the land entirely from the destructive power each person possessed. In some desperation, Kaguya would integrate with the God Tree and became the Ten-Tails though some believe she actually absorbed the tree to become it making her the true first ever Jinchūriki with her eldest son becoming the second.
Upon defeat, her sons sealed her within the moon with Hamura deciding to remain by his mother's side saying that despite everything she was still their mother.Unbeknownst to them, upon her sealing, Kaguya had expelled a sludge like creature from her left arm. This would become Black Zetsu who would proclaim himself as her will manifested but some theorize he was actually the paranoia and fear or 'black stain' of her corruption she'd expelled from her very being. This could be due to her last moment of realization that her sons were strong enough that they didn't need her to protect them any longer or that she regretted her betrayal towards her sons...

Abilities list

  • Chakra and Physical Prowess

  • Absolute Chakra Control

  • All five Nature Releases

  • Yin-Yang Release

  • Ninjutsu

  • Taijutsu

  • Kekkei Mōra

  • Byakugan

  • Rinne Sharingan

  • Tailed Beast Transformation

  • All-Killing Ash Bones

  • Amenominaka (Can replace the entire world around her with use of Rinne Sharingan)

  • Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack

  • Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball

  • God: Nativity of a World of Trees

  • Hair Binding Technique

  • Infinite Tsukuyomi

  • Rabbit Hair Needle

  • Sensing Technique

  • Summoning Technique

  • Temporary Paralysis Technique

  • Will Materialization

  • Yomotsu Hirasaka (Space-time portals used to travel dimensions)


Being noted by her son Hagoromo, Kaguya was once truly a good and caring person. She was a loving mother and she longed for peace and had even eventually fell in love with Tenji, who shared a similar dream, even though she never openly displayed her feelings for him. It was shown that she could be a bit closed off but on the inside was a very emotionally driven person. This was also displayed as she also cared deeply for her hand-maiden Aino, even though she never openly displayed emotions to her either until just before Aino's death with a show of becoming saddened or possibly traumatized at watching helplessly when Aino was struck down.However, she was also shown to be treacherous and ruthless towards those she did not care about, as she betrayed fellow clansman Isshiki and nearly killed him.She would also slowly lose herself to corruption as many theorize that if not for the impending threat of her clan and loss of hope with Humanity, she could have remained a very benevolent ruler. Despite this, Kaguya also displays a degree of affection, as she appears to care very deeply about the Earth, viewing it as a nursery that she does not want humanity itself to damage any further. Although she had affection for her lover, Tenji, it was not strong enough to stop her from trapping him in the Infinite Tsukuyomi when he betrayed her for his own pursuit of peace.Also though, she openly stated that she hated her own sons for using their inherited chakra against her and created the Ten-Tails to take it back by force, she openly wept when looking at Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, who reminded her of them, hinting that part of her still loved her sons.
Hagoromo and Hamura understood that their mother committed immoral acts for the sake of protecting them from the clan that she previously defected from, and they still felt affection for her because she was simply a mother doing what she could for her children. Even Kaguya herself told her sons prior to their battle that she had given them nothing but unconditional nurturing and protection, and willingly shared her chakra with them before their betrayal prompted her to try to claim it back. She truly wanted to reclaim the chakra back without harming her sons as she was hoping that Hagoromo's love for his brother would stay his hand.
It was later revealed she was on a mission to provide chakra to her clan, but after falling in love with a human and bearing his children, she created a White Zetsu Army to fight them off and protect not only her children, but the inhabitants of the Earth. Thus, showing that she was more caring than she let on to be and that if not for her fears she might have never become corrupted with paranoia.Also despite her somberness or level-headedness, Kaguya can nonetheless be stunned by unexpected events, as one of Naruto's perverted ninjutsu caught her off-guard. This left her confused and frozen in place seemingly as she was trying to comprehend what she was suddenly faced with.

Kaguya stunned

Naruto striking the Stunned Kaguya

Alternate Universe - Second Coming

Kaguya has one again returned, despite being sealed in the moon in her own universe the Rabbit Goddess returned. No one, not even Kaguya herself is aware how this happened but upon her release she left the dimension which ultimately left Zetsu behind. Despite Black Zetsu pleading with her to take him with she declared that for once in so long her mind wasn't a cloud of panic and fear. It was the first time in centuries that she was the woman she once was; the woman before the fall from grace.She returned to Earth and found it'd been several years. Noting that things once more looked different; that village took on a more modernized city look as well as those who defeated her had now become parents themselves. Kaguya would learn about several of her descendants; those who could trace their bloodlines straight back to her were already under threat of her former clansmen. She desired to help but was left unsure how to approach knowing that due to her past crimes that they would not simply accept her help so easily.This reined true when Naruto Uzumaki discovered her just outside the Leaf Village and demanded to know why she'd returned and what her intentions were while being on guard. Kaguya tried to explain that she wasn't the same monster he'd faced all those years ago even going as far as to show that Zetsu was not literally up her sleeve this time. Even with her explaining, Naruto still showed his distrust of her. He even went as far as to warn her that if she tried to corrupt any of his children or Sarada, Sasuke's daughter, that he'd personally put an end to her.After this meeting, Kaguya truly had to come to grips with the things she'd done. She regretted her actions so much the pain and sorrow caused her to create a dimension made purely of a vast endless open field covered in various flowers; one for each person she hurt or inadvertently caused harm to with her past. This world she'd later show Naruto upon their second meeting with the Hokage noting how she did seem different from the time they fought including that both times she never once tried to hurt him. This made him realize that perhaps she deserved a second chance.Kaguya would soon go on to helping Boruto with some of his training and also be called 'Grandma Kaguya' by the hokage's son. This was not inaccurate though as he was a direct descendant of hers. The Rabbit Goddess also became protective in a motherly way towards Boruto as he was one of few who outright accepted her and though she never declared it openly, had become a positive influence to help her heal from her self-regret and pain.Recently though, Kaguya has taken to living not in the Leaf Village but just outside it in a small shack while she slowly constructs a dimension with a home for herself within it planning to use the shack as a portal point for her to freely move from Earth to the dimension and back if she wanted or needed. But recently she'd been noted to be somewhat sassier though she claims it's because humanity has been something of an influence on her. With Momoshiki, Isshiki and Urashiki now all residing on earth she often finds herself either bantering with, teasing or so on with the clansmen.Kaguya has also been revealing her true mindset back when she was ruling the old Land of Ancestors which also leads her to be truthful with her fellow clansmen about her intentions and questionings of the clan's doctrine. This has led the other clansmen to also question what their purpose would be if they reached any form of Godhood like Shibai. Kaguya pointing out the fact she's already seen what could happen because once godhood is obtained there is nothing left to strive for which could lead to warring within the clan and ultimately full extinction of the Ōtsutsuki.Now with the Ōtsutsuki God having arrived on Earth, Kaguya finds herself slightly scared for what will happen to the planet and race she's come to love hoping that humanity can protect themselves from any threat on the horizon...